
Water Treatment Equipment and Flooding Important Information


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Alberta Health Services has made mention to the fact that the flood waters in Southern Alberta can carry pathogens, viruses, and bacteria. This is especially so if the sewer in the building backed up during the flood.

Some water treatment devices such as water softeners have a direct connection to the building potable water supply and need to be isolated from the water supply as soon as possible if they were completely submerged in the flood water.

If a water treatment device was not completely submerged they need to be sanitized in order to ensure the potable water in the building remains safe. For some older models of water softeners there may not be a bypass for the unit and if the water softener was completely submerged in the flood water it should be completely disconnected from the plumbing.

Make sure to have the water softener properly disconnected from the plumbing by a qualified water treatment technician so risk of cross contamination into the potable water will be mitigated.

If you have a drinking water treatment device such as a Reverse Osmosis System or simple filtration system and live in a community that had a boil water order in effect, the drinking water device should be serviced and sanitized after the boil water order has been rescinded and before using the drinking water device. It is also recommend to sanitize any other water treatment equipment you have in the home at the same time.

For those who live in the country and your well was flooded there are some important steps you need to do to ensure the potable water in your home has not been contaminated. Water treatment equipment should be serviced as soon as possible if flood water has been run through it from the well. If the flooding into the well was significant, you may want to isolate any of the water treatment equipment.

Water softeners, filtration equipment and drinking water devices should be treated as any other appliance or fixture in your home and should be inspected by a qualified, trained technician if they came into contact with flood water. Remember to have this inspection done before using the water treatment device.

The inspection is best done during or after the flood water damage is repaired in the building. Ensure to ask the water treatment company you choose to provide you with information about the qualifications and expertise within their company in order to have safe water within your home.

Aaron Biffert – CWT Certified Water Technician
EcoWater Systems Calgary
Member, Canadian Water Quality Association
Boil Water Alert Sanitization

Bypassing Instructions For Water Treatment Equipment

Isolation Instructions For Drinking Water Systems

Water Softener Sanitization Non Submerged

Water Softener Submerged

Well Water and Flooding



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